Tuesday, 4 July 2017


DIRECT dan INDIRECT SPEECH (Kalimat Langsung dan Tak Langsung)

DIRECT dan INDIRECT SPEECH (Kalimat Langsung dan Tak Langsung)

Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang diucapkan langsung dari si pembicara. Kalimat
tersebut tidak diubah atau ditambah.
Contoh :
-Erfin said, “I am so happy”.
-They said, “We have watched football game”.

Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang berasal dari kalimat langsung yang diceritakan
kembali dalam bentuk yang lain.
Contoh :
-Erfin said that he was so happy
-They said that they had watched football game.
Catatan :
Jika Kata Kerja dalam induk kalimat bentuknya adalah PRESENT dan PRESENT PERFECT
atau adanya suatu keterangan yang umum pada induk kalimat, maka tidak ada
perubahan waktu dalam Kalimat tidak langsung.
Contoh :
-She asks me, “Are you sleepy?” She asks me wether I am sleepy
-He has told us, “I am hungry.” He told us that he is hungry
-She told me,“the sun rises in the east”.
She told me that the sun rises in the east
Tetapi apabila Kata Kerja dalam kalimat bentuknya selain dari PRESENT dan
PERFECT maka terjadi perubahan waktu pada Kalimat tidak langsung.

Contoh :
-Simple Present menjadi Simple Past
a. He told me, “I go to work everyday.”
b. He told me that he went to work everyday.

-Present Continuous menjadi Past Continuous
a. She told me, “I am playing music now”.
b. She told me that she was playing music then.

-Present Perfect menjadi Past Perfect
a. They told me. “We have bought a car”.
b. They told me that they had bought a car.

-Simple Past menjadi Past Perfect
a. He told me, “I went to Bandung yesterday”.
b. He told me that he had gone to Bandung yesterday.

-Simple Future menjadi Future Past
a. He told me, “I will go to university next year”.
b. He told me that he would go to university the following year.

-Future Past menjadi Future Past Perfect
a. She told me, “I should go there if I were you.”
b. She told me that she would have gone there if she had been me.

Perubahan-perubahan MODAL, PREPOSITION dan Keterangan waktu dari kalimat
langsung menjadi kalimat tak langsung. :

Shall – Should See – saw Will – would
Is – was May – might Has/have – had
Can –could are – were Here – there
This – that Now – then Ago – before



 Dimana orang yang mau menjual komoditi kontak orang yang mau membelinya, pasar untuk komoditi tersebut tercipta. Pembeli dan penjual dapat bertemu langsung, atau melalui agen mereka. Di pasar yang sempurna, komunikasi mudah dilakukan, pembeli dan penjual sangat banyak dan persaingan benar-benar gratis. Di pasar yang sempurna hanya ada satu harga untuk komoditas tertentu; Harga terendah yang akan diterima penjual dan yang tertinggi yang akan dibayarkan konsumen. Namun, tidak ada pasar yang benar-benar sempurna, dan setiap pasar komoditas tunduk pada kondisi khusus. Namun dapat dikatakan bahwa keputusan harga di pasar menunjukkan titik di mana penawaran dan permintaan terpenuhi. (Diambil dari Kursus Cepat Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa Ekonomi oleh Tom McArthur)

Thursday, 8 June 2017


Describe Something "Place"



If you visit Indonesia, especially Jakarta, Pari Island can be your choice. Pari Island which is one of islands of Pulau Seribu or Thousand Islands is an inhabited island. On Pari Island, you can enjoy the beauty of clear beach with three color sea of green, white and blue as well as the under sea view when snorkeling.
There are several tours on Pari Island. One of which is going around Pari Island by riding a bicycle or walking while enjoying the surrounding Pari island with its natural forest and beach. The most favorite activity among tourist is diving because Pari Island has coral reef which is rarely touched. Besides that there is fish surrounding the coral reef which makes you want to dive longer. The thing that surely makes you want to be back again to Pari Tsland is Matahari hill. From the hill, you can witness the sunrise.
One of favorite access to Pari island is through Jakarta land transportation. From Muara Angke near Muara Angke gas station, there are a two-floor wooden motorboat which is ready to take tourists across the island. If you start from Muara Angke on Monday to Sunday, the boat leaves around 7 a.m. The one-way ticket from Muara Angke to Pari Island is Rp. 35,000. It takes around 2 hours. If tourists want to return from Pari Island on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there is an afternoon boat which leaves at 11.00 Western Indonesian Time. We suggest you to bring food, beverage and medicine toprevent sea sick. If you wanto to enjoy your crossing trip to Pari island with luxurious facility, you can go from Marina Ancol. From the 6th dock of Marina Ancol, you can use a speedboat. It only takes 50 minutes. The speedboat has luxurious facility such as air conditioner,  TV and Karaoke.
There is no Hotel on Pari island, only homestay.  Some local people also build special homestay which is separated from their home. These homestays are facilitated with Air Conditioner, TV, refrigerator and indoor bathroom. The room rate at the home stay is not fixed. It can be negotiable. Usually, it is customized with the number of people who will stay. But it’s usually around Rp. 500,000 until Rp. 700,000 per night.  Each homestay can accommodate around 7 until 15 persons. And it is always fully-booked on weekend. On Pari Island, there is no street name. You only have to remember the number of the house.
On Pari Island, you do not have to be afraid of getting starving, because there are many stalls on this island. The stalls open since morning to serve breakfast for the guests. These stalls are ready to spoil your tongue and stomach. The food price is relatively cheap. The special culinary on Pari Island is certainly the grilled fish. Because on Pari Island there is no bank, or ATM, so you have to prepare cash money. For communication, you don’t have to worry, because the area is accessible for any telecommunication providers, even you can access the internet fast. For souvenir, you can buy seaweed kickshaw, fruit kickshaw, bread fruit chips and pickled squid which you can buy on Pari Island. You can also buy various handicrafts made of shell.



  • Causative

Kata kerja kausatif dalam bahasa Inggris adalah want, help, let, allow, make, have, get, permit. Kata kerja tersebut memiliki makna meminta seseorang untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan tertentu.
Causative “Get” (menyuruh)
Biasa Digunakan untuk meyakinkan seseorang  untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan.  Fungsinya mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda.
Bentuk Aktif
Rumus Active Causative Verb
            S + (Get/Gest/Got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)
Example :
1.      She got her brother to buy her a basket ball
(Dia membawa adiknya untuk membelikannya bola basket)
2.      The government got the bridge built quickly
(Pemerintah membuat jembatan dibangun dengan cepat)
3.      They get me to was the clothes
(Mereka yang mendapatkan saya adalah pakaiannya)
4.      I got my friend to help this homework
(Saya meminta teman saya untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah ini)
5.      Gina got Barry to wash the car
(Gina menyuruh Barry untuk mencuci mobilnya)
6.      He gets Toni to brush the shoes
(Dia menyuruh Toni menyikat sepatu)
7.      The boy got his cat to chase a mouse
(Anak laki-laki itu menyuruh kucingnya mengejar seekor tikus)
8.      My mother gets me to water the flowers
(Ibu membuat saya menyirami bunga)
9.      I get you to like this explanation
(Saya membuat anda menyukai penjelasan ini)
10.  She got her parents to buy her a tennis racket
(Dia menyuruh orang tuanya membelikannya raket tenis)
11.  Alfin got Bayu to wash his car
(Alfin menyuruh Bayu mencuci mobilnya)
12.  We got the boy to repair the car yesterday
(Kami menyuruh anak itu memperbaiki mobil kemarin)
13.  She got Andi to clean this room
(Dia menyuruh Andi membersihkan kamar ini)
Bentuk Pasif
Rumus Passive Causative Verb
S + (Get/Gets/Got) + Object + action verb(V3)
Example :
1.      Cindy got her bedroom cleaned
(Cindy membersihkan kamarnya)
2.      Barry got the money saved in the bank
(Barry mendapat uang yang tersimpan di bank)
3.      I get my bicycle fixed
(Saya mendapatkan sepeda saya tetap)
4.      Alfin got his car washed
(Alfin membersihkan mobilnya)
5.      She got this room cleaned
(Dia membersihkan ruangan ini)
6.      Mila got her bedroom cleaned
(Mila membersihkan kamarnya)
7.      I got calvin to pick me up in the car
(Aku punya calvin untuk menjemputku di mobil)
8.      Let’s get our car fixed first
(Mari kita memperbaiki mobil kita dulu)
9.      Desi got the car washed
(Desi membuat mobil dicuci)
10.  Some students will get their report checked
(Beberapa siswa akan mendapatkan laporan mereka diperiksa)
11.  She got the assignment subbmitted five minute ago 
(Dia mendapat tugas yang diserahkan lima menit yang lalu)

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Present perfect

it is one of tenses,and its fuction will continue for the activity has done.And has the other meaning.
·         V3/Past Participle used by present perfect
·         Already and yet are used
·         The auxillaries are has and have
The third singular subject which are he,she,it use the auxillary has.
But subject plural.they we you and I use the auxilarry have.
Pattern :
(+) subject    has    v3    O
(-)subject    has/have     not    v3    O
(?)has/have    subject    v3    O  ?
For example :
(+)she has already drunk milk
(-)she hasn’t drunk milk
(?)has she drunk milk ?
Form the example above .she told that she has been full,because she has already drunk milk.
Kalimat passive :
passive present perfect tense juga berupa past participle dan diawali auxiliary verb have/has. Bedanya, passive present perfect tense mendapatkan tambahan auxiliary verb, yaitu: been. Have/has disesuaikan dengan subject pada passive voice (= object pada active voice) — memenuhi subject-verb agreement, sedangkan agent pada passive voice merupakan subject pada active voice.
Example :
·         The milk has been already drunk by her
·         The car has been washed by him